2011年5月16日 星期一

Feminism pollutes the Counseling Profession, Part 1

     Decades earlier, the counseling profession was more oriented towards men than towards women. For instance, counselors at those days were in general more concerned about technique on dealing with male clients than with female ones. Of course they didn't completely ignore women's need, but overall they spent more resources on male issues, that is.
     As you could imagine, feminists were VERY unhappy about it, and they threw their horrifying tandrums and forced counselors to spend more time on women's need, and everyone knows that the terrifying pressure feminists can exert, so the counseling profession can do nothing but to succumb to their tandrums. Did this make sense?

     Like many things put forward by feminists, this makes absolutely no sense at all.

The Rule

     One of the most important rules in helping is that we should pay more attention to those who are more in need, which I personally call the "needs rule". For example, impoverished children are more prone to academic failure despite not being inherently inferior in terms of intelligence plus they are quite helpless since it is the social structure that had handicapped them, so it make perfect sense to administer extra help to them. With this rule in mind, let us consider the following facts:

1. Men are less likely to have intimate relationships with whom they can share very personal problems.
2. Men are less likely to be able to seek help from their spouses for personal issues.
(Research have found that it is much more likely for a man to help a woman than vice versa)
3. Women are much more likely to seek emotional support from friends and family memebers.
(At worst, this means that they tend to complain for trivial things)

     The main point of counseling is to administer support for people with personal problems, and the above facts suggest that men are more likely to need counseling services than women, statistically speaking. Then according to the "needs rule", it actually makes quite a lot of sense for the counseling profession to be more oriented towards men. Moreoever, they didn't ignore women either. Instead, if you do some readings and you will find that they did pay quite adequate attention to female clients.


     As usual, feminists are nothing but a group of obnoxious people who keep throwing tandrums in order to acquire privileges that they don't deserve. Only cults use political pressure to bring privileges to their members, and feminists are doing this all the time.

     Does this make it clear that what feminism actually is?
