2011年5月15日 星期日

Why is there so much Misery

     Throughout the history of homo sapiens, there are unspeakable sociopathic acts, and of course the misery that follows them. For instance, the superstition in Europe had caused the witch hunts, persecution of heretics and the torture that went with them. In the Eastern world, we had the callous oppression of ancient Chinese emperors exerted on their fellow men, including unthinkable political persecution and zero freedom of speech.
     It is far too simplistic to suggest that such things exists only in ancient world. Indeed, oppression exists in modern world as well, namely feminists, to a lesser extent SOME gay activists and CERTAIN types of Christians. They have a common feature: the use of political pressures to distort the truth. Everyone knows about what feminists and SOME gay activists do, and Christians have recently attempted to add Creationism into science disciplines. These people, through manipulating the public with their emotional tactics, acheive their own twisted agenda.

How They Opreate

     What gives rise to such obnoxious groups in the first place?

     The answer is: Irrationality. When people ask for reasons, it is hard for such groups to exert their influence. This is because almost ALL of them operate as follows:

1. Distort the truth, mostly through political pressures
2. Tell people about the distorted picture
3. Induce appropiate emotions in them
4. Motivate people into doing what they want them to do

     If people demand reasons and objectivity, stage 2 and 3 of this model would be VERY unlikely to happen, then it follows that their agenda would be over and of course they are not going to harm our society nor get what they want.

An Ideal World

     Therefore, my theory is that one of the main culprits of human misery is the use of emotions and feelings rather than reasons and logics in evaluating truth. It is doubtless that an ideal world should not be so miserable. Then it is perfectly reasonable to suggest that the use of logics instead of feelings in evaluating truths among the public is essential for an ideal world.

     Please bear in mind that I am NOT saying that emotions and feelings are of no value. I admit that they have their importance to an ideal world, but their value in helping us to determine what to believe is very limited compared to logics and reasons. They may not be overall inferior, but they are definitely undesirable in some aspects.


      All in all, one of the greatest culprits of human misery is the lack of "mind" among the general public, that's why cults exist throughout human history. Even in modern day, we have feminists, SOME Christian and SOME gay activists as our new "cults". Therefore, the promotion of more "mind" is of essence to creating an ideal world.
