2011年4月1日 星期五

Death Penalty Examined, Part 1

     Okay, feminist and gay rights issue draw a lot of attention. That's why so many absurd arguments are created. Today I would like to talk about some of the arguments regarding death penalty. Yes, I am asking is it justifiable to take someone's life for the crime they committed?

Common argument 1

     Death Penalty disallows rehabilitation.

-Well, what if rehabilitation is just impossible for some people? Criminologists have told us that SOME criminals are born that way and almost unchangeable. It would cost us a hell lot of time and effort if we attempt to rehabilitate them, with very limited success. Now that's the problem: in such cases, it would means that death penalty is not the culprit of impossibility of rehabilitation and of course, this argument would not be a valid reason to ban it.

Common argument 2

     Following death penalty, crime rates rise.

-It is a fact that some studies have indicated that violent crime become more likely to happen after publication of execution. Then some anti-death-penalty people suggest that death penalty actually cause more crimes and is therefore unjustifiable.
-I have thought of some problems with this argument. Firstly, those studies ONLY suggested that it is publication of execution that is causing the problem. Then we could just do executions without publication, since the "execution-cause-more-crime" effect is not intrinsic of death penalty itself. That's means they have no reason to favor "no-execution" over "execution-without-publication".
-I have even thought of a more serious problems. Those studies are mostly correlational. This implies that they say nothing about causation. Thus, it is possible that they are of the same causes. Usually death penalty is used to deal with very serious crimes. For example, it is imaginable that after hearing about a serious crime happening in the district, residents will be primed with aggression and violence. This means that execution is NOT the cause of increased violence.
-Lastly, those studies say nothing about the long-term effect of publication of execution.

     I have once again briefly examined some arguments that I find absurd. Of course these two are not the only arguments against death penalty. However, due to limitation of space, I would only briefly address these two here.
